 0 Advice microscopes €0,00 |
 0 All euromex articles can be ordered €0,00 |
 4 Stereomicroscope Euromex StereoBlue SB.1902P €479,95 |
 5 Stereomicroscope Euromex StereoBlue SB.1903P €534,95 |
 6 Stereomicroscope Euromex BE50-LED BE.1802 €387,95 |
 7 Stereomicroscope Euromex Nexius Zoom NZ.1902P €774,95 |
 8 Stereomicroscope Euromex Nexius Zoom NZ.1903P €834,95 |
 Camera adapter AE.5130 €269,95 |
 Digital camera DC.5000 pro €473,95 |
 Dust blower small black €3,50 |
 Dust blower small blue €3,50 |
 Front objective Nexius Zoom NZ.8905 €134,95 |
 Front objective Stereoblue SB.8905 €99,95 |
 Holder arm NZ.9020 €338,95 |
 Lens wipes Zeiss 2x €0,75 |
 Lighting ring LED LE.1973 €279,95 |
 Objective 1x for BE50 LED: BE.7410 €75,95 |
 Ruler extensive transparent €2,95 |
Result Pages: 1
Displaying 1 to 18 (of 18 products)